Monday, March 11, 2024

of liquid life.

i recently invested in a milk frother that also
 heats the milk if that's a preference.
it all started when we enjoyed
a baked potato bar meal at the home of dear
friends here in the mountains.
i must add that the hubs requested i
add a potato bar meal to our rotation.
i agreed and did so. sure is delish!
after the meal, our hostess offered fancy coffee.
we agreed it would not only be tasty
but equally beneficial to our very lives.
(i'm not exactly one to say no to liquid life)
she has a fancy schmancy machine and by her hand,
she produced the most delectable, perfectly
frothy topped coffee enjoyed in a long while.
i wanted that experience again but didn't want
to pay a lofty sum. instead i ordered a
milk frother/steamer and made it simple simon style.
sometimes my foam is gentle .. waltz-like.
and sometimes? boy howdy that foam is serious
like a jitterbug at 78 speed taking on 
a life all its own!
like below. see? serious foam. still delicious. yUm.
it's in my vintage 'hall' mug.
makes a statement, i'm thinkin'.

while sitting on the sofa i noticed a pretty pattern
being made from our upper window reflection.
we have sun shades and more cloth over the shades
to prevent the west facing windows to sear
through the glass into our living area and
further into the kitchen and dining space.
the shades do a superb job in that respect.
the shades also offer a bit of an artsy 
pattern to the wall just left of the hutch.
i'm rather liking the effect.

do you make fancy liquid life?
do you see artsy patterns on your walls?
is it just me? should i be concerned? wink.


p.s. maranatha



  1. It's wonderful to read another post from you, Sherry! Sounds like you're doing well...I've been praying for you as the West coast has been having "lots of strange weather":) Every morning I have a strong Espresso coffee with rice milk. That's as fancy as it gets in my house. A big Amen to the Maranatha! Deb from Washington state

    1. i recently saw a meme that said, "you seem to be doing well." the response was, "it's Jesus." and it's true - though i do admit to being merely human and do still 'have my times.' it's at those times i'm quiet - more quiet than is usual.

  2. I do fancy liqued life!!!
    And sun-filterd patterns on the walls!!!
    I do, I do!!!!
    No need for concern, your doing just fine!!!!

    1. dearest Carissa Anne. (((virtual hug)))
      i emailed you... hoping it arrived safely.

  3. Hi Sherry, Oh yes, I love my coffee! I don't get too too fancy, but I do enjoy a coconut/almond vegan creamer, and I do use chocolate flavored stevia daily.

    You are in good comment dear one, yes, I do see artsy patterns on my wall most often. : ) It's the artist in me. Hee hee...I'm concerned about those who do *not* see artsy patterns on the wall. : D

    Wonderful to hear from you, blessings to you dear Sherry! ~Amelia

  4. Oops. That should read company, not comment. : )


"if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
~ thumper