"She was an adventurer at heart;
but oh how she loved drinking this
tea from this mug in this chair.
Oh how she loved to be home."
i didn't mean to be away this long of a while.
rather than sharing detail as to what i've been up to,
i'll instead just jump in with both feet
offering snippets .. vignettes .. of a year and
then some in no particular order
here and there in future posts.
upon checking my blog and trying to figure
out my password, ultimately deciding on a new
and improved selection
of letters numbers symbols
and bunny slippers etc,
i saw more than
a few messages inquiring as to my
whereabouts, concern, and so forth.
i thank you for your inquiries and i apologize for not
seeing them far sooner!
i'm well. truly.
some would question such a bold declaration
but i truly AM well.
.pinky promise.
{ that's my story and i'm stickin' to it }
in my drafts are oodles ..
absolutely oodles ..
of blog posts.
started but not finished ..
rethought .. reconsidered
nixed or simply set aside
for a later date.
to say we've experienced record snowfall this winter
would be a great understatement.. golly!
so much snow that at one point our long driveway berm
boasted a thirteen foot wall -
no where to blow and shovel
even more snow as it continued to fall fast.
out to the road in hopes the
plow masters would take pity.
it's april 20 as i type and while much of the snow has
melted, there's still a sizable berm left to dissipate.
alas, the daffodils and tulips and iris bulbs the hubs
planted last october are reaching heavenward
in their sweet glory. precious little bits of color.
we're anxious to get the kayaks on the water
but the lake road is still under huge amounts of snow.
when it gets down to five feet it'll be plowed using
a special snow machine then we'll wait for more melt
and warmer temps as it's still freezing overnight.
tommy is his name.
in october during our first snow of the season
he made his way just beyond our back property.
i zoomed in and snapped this pic. he was following
an available girlie dear deer with procreation
on his mind. ahem. it was rut season after all.
this is my garden in march.
that's a bit over five feet of white stuff.
mid-march i started seeds indoors
and indoors they remain.
our last frost date is june 18 and i'm
itchin' to plant. but wait! there's a
greenhouse on the horizon!
ordered earlier this week..
i'm beyond anxious.
tapping my little foot
not so patient-like.
May 2022 we stayed at a delightful harvest host
location in washington state .. we purchased
a few items including farm fresh free range
eggs .. once home i made this dish:
arugula, crispy rice, fried eggs,
fresh bread toasted just so,
& a drizzle of hot chili oil.
and this dish.
boy howdy yUm.
i'll share the recipe
in an upcoming post.
you'll want to make it.
.pinky promise.
there are days.
those who get it .. get it.
a couple new baby squirrels have
joined our little kingdom.
the ravens have been spending
more time in these parts .. creepy.

this lovely lady is my mother
on her 91st birthday. she's beautiful!
she turns 92 in may.
but right now she's in need of prayer,
pretty please with lots of sugars.
last december her gallbladder burst
resulting in sepsis and a host of other
maladies, drain issues, etc. she wasn't able
to have the needed surgery right away due
to some rather key reasons
so she's waited a terribly long time.
the hubs and i made two trips to washington
state this year to help out a bit.
surgery was yesterday and as the surgeon
said, "it was a nightmare." he was able to care
for very little even during the four long hours
she was on the operating table. only a small bit of
gallbladder was able to be removed due to extenuating
circumstances. poor thing had/has a cesspool of grief
in her gut and appears it will remain.
two of my (431) sisters are tending to her in hospital..
she lives with shirley and her husband.
please .. keep my mother in prayer.
our entire family humbly thanks you.
and that, dear ones, is all that's fit to print at the moment.
until next time .. see every day as a blessing,
to breathe, to love, to seek His face,
to know this broken world is not your forever home.
Selah ..... Maranatha!
with love,