Monday, July 8, 2019

of getaways & chicken salad.

"After all," Anne had said to Marilla once, "I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string."

the past month or more has been challenging on a number of levels. from my father's passing, to the unexpected passing of a very dear friend who the hubs was especially close to, to one of my aunts passing, then the mother of a young man who works for my husband. four deaths in a month's time.

i've needed a bit of time to sift through emotions, a terrible head cold, and plan out spring cleaning that didn't happen in spring, continued downsizing, and readying ourselves for my husband's early retirement come october and the many considerations therein including determining (researching and plodding and such) where we'll relocate. no final decisions made on the latter front but we've ruled out a number of places - places we thought were sure bets but alas no.

simply lots going on... called life.

sometimes adventures done on a whim are sweeter than the ones planned days or weeks in advance. such was the case last friday. we spent independence day on the home front and in conversation made the decision to get away the next day. that night i put together a picnic and come morning we set off for the cooler temps of the sierra. breathing deep from the pine filled forest we made our way to a little lake not heavily visited. with happy pups swimming and splashing, catching sticks and balls in the water, and fellow visitors taking a spin in their kayaks and canoes, we enjoyed a delicious lunch at the closest picnic table then set off in our jeep to explore yet more. iced coffee in a darling little town and good conversation .. we stopped for dinner, finally arriving home at 8pm. both of us tired, we put things away, prepped the coffee pot for the next morning, then slipped into jammies and into bed .. for a bit of light reading then Zzzzzzzz...

a simple getaway coddiwomple day.

i prepared chicken salad the night before..
chicken breast, scallion, carrot, pistachios,
mayo & dijon, pepper, & apple ..
alongside pickled zukes & shallots
made 2 days prior.
i removed the crust from my bread slice..
i'm not a crusty girl. the hubs left his on..
cuz he's a crusty girl. snicker.

this morning i deep cleaned the guest bathroom..
do you find satisfaction in a pristine clean room?
so clean you could eat off the floor but you wouldn't
because that'd just be wonky...? that's my bathroom
right now and no one's allowed to use it for
any reason. wink.

hoping your day is swell..


p.s. pickled zuke & shallot sammies are delish.
no meat. just the veggies. yUm.


  1. Your chicken salad looks Yummy. I guess I'm a little of both - I keep the top crust on the bread for sandwiches, and cut off the sides and ends. I gotta have a little crust. Your picnic day sounds wonderful. I hope you are guided to the right location when deciding on your move in the retirement years. I think downsizing is smart - it's much easier to clean a smaller house as we get older.

    Happy July days, Sherry. Your photo with the pine trees and the sun shining through is so pretty.


    1. seems like the downsizing never ends... :/
      making pasta tonight -- and a dear friend called offering heirloom tomatoes! oh yes!! guess who will be making marinara soon?!

  2. I love chicken salad and my kids like mine better than from a store or deli. I do a simple one with a bit of mayo and sour cream, curry, salt and pepper. Then I add red seedless grapes. Very tasty.

    Your day away sounds wonderful. I have fond memories of my day trip to Tahoe when we were out there two years ago. Dreamy day.

    1. seedless red grapes in chicken salad ... yUm!
      tahoe is lovely .. we were about 45 minutes from tahoe in an area i deem as even more beautiful. ♥

  3. We downsized a few years ago (lived in Seattle). No we live in a quaint home, in the Boise area. I'd love to have you as a "neighbor".

    1. downsizing isn't for sissies. wink.
      aww thanks christine. ♥

  4. Love the picnic lunch and hearing of your get-away. Praying with you for God's leading for your future years.

    1. where he leads is where we want to be... ♥
      we're praying for you and dave as well.

  5. You have been so on my heart. My, that is so much to process all at once. Trusting God is taking sweet care of you and walking this road with you. Your get away and menu sound timely and refreshing. It must be a common theme as I am simplifying every drawer, cabinet, closet, and room, then organizing things KonMari myself until September 1st to complete the process. It's freeing and wonderful! Exciting,for you both, to see retirement in the near future!

    1. there's more (to process) that i didn't mention...
      thank you for your encouragement - very timely, JC.
      stayed up late (10:30 late for me) to sift through books, box, label. just my books. then there's the "our" books then there's the "his" books. i'm overwhelmed but see a glimmer of light for future sake. ;)

  6. Sounds like a "process," but rewarding work. Pretty sure no one has as many books in their home as a certain "sweet pea A" that we know. 😊 It's close to a Barnes and Noble! They will be moving them ALL again next month...fourth move in two years! This time because their new apartment complex (currently gorgeous, I might add) was bought by a local colleg and will be converted into a dorm! Crazy!

    1. a girl after my own heart. ♥
      recently we were asked if we read all those books.
      most. nearly all. still working through the ooollld books from the hubs side.

  7. Oh, dear, I'm terribly behind on reading Coddiwomple Life. I've missed so much of what's been going on with you. So sorry to learn of your father's passing, and all the other losses you've encountered. Gentle hugs and sweet words of sympathy being sent telepathically to you right now. I've decided I want to come and spend a month shadowing you in the kitchen as you create these mouthwatering dishes. And I want to shadow you in just enjoying simple pleasures. I think I do that fairly well until I read your blog. Then I realize I need rehabilitation. Hah! Love coming to your wonderful blog. Wish there was a subscribe button so I could get notices in my email when you've posted. I hate missing your latest news. Hugs and love, Nancy

    1. you're sweet, nancy. ♥
      while the vast amount of my cooking comes out rather tasty, there's a fair amount of blunders! so if you and the hubs come visit please know this. lol


"if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
~ thumper