Friday, June 21, 2019

it's nice to share.

we have good neighbors ...
one neighbor in particular lives next door and has a flourishing garden. he shared zucchini and armenian cucumbers last week. i set to slicing the cukes, red onion, and garlic - then assembled the vinegars, sugars, and spices.. into a big bowl it all went, then in the fridge for a day ... then in two tall jars, one of which is already gone! yUm.

do you make refrigerator pickles? pickled veggies?

as info .. i used a recipe from the Brown Eyed Baker.
click on the green link ..


  1. I’ve never made pickled anything! That looks really good, though. May have to try something this summer. Any special ingredients needed?

    1. it's so easy and so delicious, deanna. i shared the recipe link in the post .. should have done that beforehand huh? ;)

  2. It's so nice to have good neighbors. Your salad looks Yummy. I just made a salad recently with lots of stuff and ranch/lime dressing. It was very good.

    Enjoy your salads, Sherry. They are always so tasty looking. ; )


    1. My favorite good item is salad .. With a side of cake piled high with buttercream frosting. Keeping things in moderation. lol

    2. Food item .. Not good item. Eye roll.

  3. I only heard of quick pickles in recent years as real Mexican cooking was on cooking shows. They often made a quick pickle to serve with fish tacos and such.

    I made cinnamon rolls yesterday and was wishing my son and his family still lived in town so I could share. Instead, I put some of them in the freezer and I will drop them off to a friend's house with a side container of the icing. Too many veggies do not add to the waistline like too many cinnamon rolls. Just saying... ;)

    1. cinnamon rolls ... ?!
      my head leans to pickles
      but my heart is for cinnamon rolls
      with double the icing please. yUm.

  4. Replies
    1. thank you, christine.. sometimes it turns out! wink. making more fridge pickles today. :)

  5. Oh, my heart! This looks so good, Sherry. I'd love to try the recipe, but when I try to click on the green Brown Eyed Baker nothing happens. :(

    1. crud. :/
      i'll update the link.
      thanks for letting me know!


"if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
~ thumper