Thursday, June 13, 2019


while in the sierra at what's known as the
for vintage trailerites, i made chili for dinner while our campy friends grilled burgers then topped them with cheese, saute'd mushrooms, and catsup etc. and placed them on a bed of lettuce and tomato ... looked so good so i decided to  be a copy cat and make it at home.
**with a twist**
i saute'd onions, mushrooms, and garlic .. a quick little pot of baked beans, and a side of horseradish cream.
sooo yUmmers.
might try a flattened chicken breast or thigh
next .. marinating it for a day or so 1st.

BIG thanks to nancy & roger for the burger inspiration!
today's their 37th wedding anniversary ..
hAppy aNniVerSaRy


"if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
~ thumper