Monday, July 1, 2024

busy summer days.

hello there.
our days have been busy here at home and beyond.
do you sense time slipping away at warp speed?
it's july 1st. june flew by and the previous months
of this year were no different. to me. 

Tozer said,
"If God gives you a few more years, remember, 
it is not yours. Your time must honor God,
your activity must honor God,
and everything you do must honor God."

i've been thinking on those words lately,
knowing that for me and other faith-based
folk, it is truth. may my words, thoughts,
intent .. may the core of my heart .. honor him.

my garden grows. mostly. not everything is 
growing well if i'm to be honest. the pole beans
have issues and i'm *this* close to ripping
them from prime garden real estate. 
i'm tired of watering something so forlorn.
the hubs says wait. he didn't say for how long.
will they miraculously change their tune
and develop healthy leaves and grow a bean?
or two? hard telling since locusts from the
pit have arrived in this area. how thoughtful
they waited until the buffalo gnats died.
torturous gnats gone .. enter the next plague.

i spy with my little eye,
a sweet fawn resting under the 
protective shade of a 
zucchini leaf.
(the white powdery stuff is diatomaceous earth)

swiss chard.
both delish & beautiful.

happily coexisting with calendula.

before the chard turns bitter i'm snipping,
cleaning, trimming, using .. 
planning to use in salads,
eggs, dehydrating, and in place of cabbage.
there's plenty more where that came from.

ever made cabbage rolls?
i have. plenty. popular dish on my father's side.
i read about using chard instead of cabbage
so thought i'd give it a go. there's a slightly
different flavor (leaf-wise) but i'd gladly do it
again, next time though i'll double the chard leaves,
and a quick-blanch first.
i didn't quick-blanch these leaves before filling
and rolling. hm. it would have been an easier
process if i had. just extra care in the steps.

before the lot went into the oven:
i trimmed the chard spines and threw them
on top. the chard stalks i chopped fine and
added them to the meat mixture. 

and plated:

i was sharing about using chard in this dish
with a dear friend. she asked if i was plating
with potatoes. gulp! i forgot about the potatoes
and in fact had no potatoes in the pantry!
lickety split quick to our miniscule town market
the hubs went, returning with two beautiful
russets which while the chard rolls were
baking, i cleaned, peeled, sliced, boiled,
whipped ... ready shortly before the 
chard rolls. whew! 
the dish was delish!!!

we had a very cool morning recently .. high 40's.
best time to bake, 'specially since temps are
spiking this week for a possible extended
number of days. ew. ew. ew. & ew.
good for the garden i suppose ..
i don't do heat well.

rather than baking bread i chose to make oodles
of sandwich rolls which can be used for sammies,
burgers and dinner rolls. we sampled one,
but of course! with a slather of fresh homemade
butter.. didn't require anything else. 
pillow soft wonderfulness.

once cooled they were individually wrapped and placed
in freezer bags .. then into the deep freeze for later use.

and today i made a new batch of ranch.
i know what's in it. IYKYK.
no strange ingredients or golly gee "additions."

i've so much to share .. in later posts.
pictures, quips, stories, thoughts, etc.
in time. until then, please care for yourselves
tenderly. for those who reached out asking
for prayer.... i'm still praying. 
let me know via email if there are updates
to the original requests.

bless you all dearly,

.. my steps are ordered by the Lord ..

"The Lord directs the steps of the godly, 
he delights in every detail of their lives. 
Though they stumble, 
they will never fall, 
for the Lord holds them by the hand." 
Psalm 37:23-24


  1. Dearest One,
    I love your posts! Stuffed cabbage are a delight for my parents especially and I now make them unstuffed. Just in a big pan and it is deliciousness without rolling. Yours look amazing as all your food always does.
    Sweet little bambi under your plant. Did I tell you our Amish neighbor is using our pasture for his sheep? Just two for now and he moves them every few days. What delight to look out on those cuties, and know that I get to enjoy them without any work.

    Deanna Rabe

  2. Hi, I hope this finds you doing well. : ) I really enjoyed the quote by A.W. Tozer, that is a very good quote that is very encouraging to my heart. There are so many things even online that can distract and use real estate in our hearts, minds and souls, God has dealt with me to be very careful with what I allow even seemingly benign things...They can turn into something discouraging. I'll spare the minutia. ; )

    We too love to grow chard, I like the giant chard especially. What a good idea to use it for rolls ups like cabbage rolls! I bet I could use lentils for filling too.

    Have a great day, Blessings! ~Amelia


"if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
~ thumper