Friday, December 13, 2019

come winter.

"when the wind of winter blows
over the uplands and moonlit spaces
come ye out to the waste of snows
to the glimmering fields and
the silent places."

winter arrived strong then mellowed
to the point of rain then sunshine,
still with crisp temps.

we were away thanksgiving week
and while preparing I decided
to put up some Christmas
to greet us on our return.
… just a bit of tree and vintage sparkle ...
… here and there ...
… whispers ...

enter the rains
with the promise
black ice
come nightfall.

then the anticipation of snow only to have fairly
clear skies and again the threat of rain.
we no longer trust the weatherman.

but the bit of seasonal charm along with 
music and candles uplift the heart.

and bean with bacon soup.
it was gloriously delish.

and on days where we're chilled to the bone
so it seems, we're warmed by the fire.

this picture was a fun mistake. 
didn't realize until later my camera
was shooting. I kinda like it.
fits me lately - here and there
completing projects or at least
project portions.
guest room #2 is nearly done.
here's a peek:

.may joy be yours.


  1. The shadows that your lights make are theatrical and impressive. A great way to welcome you back home, along with a feet, warming fire.

    1. while **such** a nice visit was had with family, we looked forward to home. there's something so special about our new surroundings.

  2. Good to hear from you!!! Your #2 guest room is lovely <3!!!!!

    1. come for a visit. you have one of 2 rooms to choose .. and we'll feed you. ;)

  3. I LOVE seeing glimpses of your new home. I'm ready to head out the door and drive south to arrive at your door and 'test' that guestroom!

    1. i'm keeping my one good eye open for your arrival...

  4. I would joy be mine but it's a struggle.
    Happy Christmas to you and yours.
    Sandra @ Thistle Cove Farm

    1. i understand..
      all too well i understand.
      {{{gentle hugs}}}

  5. Beautiful and cozy. Blessed Christmas to you.

    1. and to you dear friend <3
      .. do you have snow?
      .. a fire roaring?
      .. comfy cozy?

  6. The winter solstice is almost upon us. Short days and long nights made so pleasant by a cozy fire and hearty hot soup. The pines outside your window are beautiful in their rainy sparkles. Your first winter in your lovely new home? How magical! Your guest room looks so inviting - you are sure to have many friends come visit, and many wonderful conversations around your hearth!

    1. i love the short days long nights.
      waking in the early morning with just
      a bit of lamp-glow and of course
      my liquid life .. makes for a peaceful
      time. needful.

  7. Replies
    1. i'll be sharing the recipe hopefully Monday!

  8. It makes my heart happy to see you surrounded by such physical and spiritual beauty and peace. Merry Christmas my dear friend! Missing you, but so happy for you! ((hugs))

  9. It's so pretty around your neck of the woods, Sherry. And the inside of your home is nice and cozy with the fire going. It has rained here as well, and always love a good rain. Your guest bedroom is charming with all your own special touches. I just had bean and bacon soup last night, but your homemade one looks delicious. It looks like you are enjoying your new surroundings. Have a wonderful Christmas season.


  10. Your posts always make my heart happy - so excited when you share. Your home looks lovely and the soup looks yummy!

  11. Oh,you have done so much! It's oh so cozy. I love it all, and that patina gate behind your sofa....swoon! I love the snow and the glistening beauty it brings. So cozy, friends! The kids come home a week from tomorrow for eight days!!! We will head north to the cabin if the weather allows.
    Lots to do between now and then! Much love to you both.

  12. Perfectly lovely!

  13. Love your "whispers"!! Your black ice . . . not so much. Oh, what a beautiful place you live!!

    I think that soup would lift my spirits! Just sayin' . . .


"if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
~ thumper