Wednesday, January 29, 2025


monday is german pancake day. 
this time i added a pint of 
home-canned spiced apples
to the batter and goodness
me it was good. 
a bit of bacon and a 
dusting of powdered sugar
and of course maple syrup
sealed the deal. 


my mill was busy..
grinding wheat berries to flour
for a few loaves of bread. 


and done. best bread I’ve made yet. 
two in the deep freeze and one in the 
counter will take care of us
for few weeks. 

I love the hutch my hubs built. 
Making a few alterations to the decor..
just wee changes but every time 
I take time to view it I love it more. 

“Pray that we may have a government that will do that which is right and not guided by evil.”
Charles Spurgeon

this quote by Spurgeon 
I’m taking to heart. 

* * *

a recent paw 🐾 imprint sighting. 
it’s the size of my palm. we do have
a neighborhood “kitty” so thinking 
that’s the case. a BIG kitty. 

hoping your day is swell. 



  1. I love your hutch! It's very you. So cool that your hubs made it. Your bread has me drooling, I may have to do an artisan loaf today, and that big kitty print has me nervous.

    Deanna Rabe

    1. that hutch has been such a blessing! thank you. :) the hubs made a new barn door recently which replaced the utility room door. another thing to love. we're officially out of bread a few days early - won't make more until probably this coming thursday. i'm sure the kitty is friendly........... not.


"if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
~ thumper