Wednesday, January 31, 2024

comfy chat.

 sitting down all comfy-like, in a thrifted chair perfect for ergonomic needs at my little dresser-come-desk. a vintage mug with strong afternoon java blend within reach. the warmth permeates my innards as the studio is rather chilly. each of our rooms has its very own control for heat. i work better in a chilled room/house, if one can refer to blogging as work. but i do think an electric mug warmer (are there battery operated types?) might be in order as typing and sipping eases more to typing and less sipping once my fingers do the talking and that leaves the coffee to chill which is less to my liking. so i'll pause and partake a bit more frequently. of course, you won't be able to determine the starts and stops as you're not perched beside me. but there it is, there you are. and here i am. sipping. wearing bunny slippers. well, not bunny slippers actually - more like crocs slippers but the former sounds cuter so we'll go with that and you can forget i mentioned crocs slippers at all, okay?

tomorrow on through a week out is promised snow, so they say. i'll believe it when i see it quite honestly. this has been a most weird weather winter. the hubs has a new snowblower and he's chomping at the bit to give it a whirl in an honest to goodness decent snow. 

busy day that began at 5:15 after a cup of my liquid life. setting yogurt to incubate, sandwich roll dough was mixed, a 5 minute rest, stretch and fold, 15 minute rest, stretch and fold, 90 minute rest, shapes formed, 45 minute rest, steam baked. the dough, not me. 

during dough rests half a loaf of bread a couple days past its prime was cubed and frozen for a later use such as croutons, bread pudding, or overnight breakfast casserole. 

during the 90 minute rest i chopped veg (bells and onions) and opened a jar of preserved chicken breast, lightly tossing this medley with evoo and seasonings then on a parchment lined cookie sheet and straight into the fridge. i'll take it out about an hour before dinnertime and pop it in the oven on 'roast' setting at 425 for 20 minutes maybe a few more, adding a good drizzle of bbq sauce before serving. jars of various type pickles, and a bit of leftover loaded baked potato salad and we have dinner. 

also during the 90 minute rest i quickly put together a german pancake which we ate for breakfast with a bit of date syrup and maple syrup - personal choices. all in all a wonderfully busy morning. 

we eat two meals a day, breakfast and our main which happens by 3pm. 

this plate showcases the sandwich roll(s) and filling, lotsa veggies and baked potato salad. it was delish! couldn't eat it all - that's where the hubs takes over. he's my personal garbage disposal. he's swell.

We're reading Heaven by Randy Alcorn / only a few chapters in and a fascinating read. we're humbled and honored our Lord has been taking time to prepare a place for those who have made him Lord of their lives. soon and very soon we are going to see the king (sing w/me).

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." I John 1:9 nkjv  "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep." John 10:11

"Praise is the rehearsal of our eternal song. By grace we learn to sing, and in glory we continue to sing."  CH Spurgeon

personal reading of late includes Psalms, further study from sunday morning service; we're currently in Revelation, and a new to me magazine Homestead Living.

garden plans are in the works. i planted garlic back in october and by march will start seeds in the greenhouse, perhaps before. maybe. we'll see. i've ordered and received seed packets and probably next week will organize the packets and draw out a possible template of where to plant what. this year i'm including more herbs in the beds along with flowers. the bees spent the entire summer in the front of our property gnoshing and sleeping on the lavender of which we have a fair amount. so i'm planting lavender in the garden areas, for sure! the sweetest of friends in my area - i lately call her professor - grew blue lake green beans last year and what a beautiful harvest she enjoyed! so guess what? i'm being all matchy matchy and growing blue lake green beans too, hoping for a beautiful harvest all my own. crossing my fingers and my eyes for emphasis, and prayer heavenward. wink.

been walking the hills in our area for exercise. the upsy-downy lung expanding workout is so good for us but golly it's sure good to see home at the end of those forced marches 'specially considering i have two steps for his one. my right knee is giving a bit of grief of late - old  injury come back to haunt. a heating pad is close by.

it's now nighty night time and instead of a mug of liquid life i have beside me a glass of iced milk. i do love a icy cold glass of milk. 

"You are loved with an everlasting love,' that's what the Bible says, 'and undernearth are the everlasting arms."  This is your friend, Elisabeth Elliot. (do you hear her voice as you read this quotation? i listen to EE via podcast, a few times during the week, every week. and every opening of her program has these precious words. read them again - sweet reminder Who loves and cares for you like no other. lean into Him Who sits on the throne of mercy & grace.

bless you dearly as you see to your homes, your loved ones, yourselves. please remember that you cannot give from an empty well - you need to renew. recharge. refresh. be gentle with yourselves. step gently through your days. take time to breathe deeply. do that, okay?

in love,


p.s. maranatha! <><

- give me grace to see beyond this moment here, to believe that there is nothing left to fear.. that You alone are high above it all ... You my God are greater still.       {unknown}


  1. Twice in one week - what a blessing! Always love your posts and check often. So happy to see you here. Encouraging words and your meals always sound and look so yummy! Blessings. . .

    1. hi there, vickie. :) and thank you for your kind words. i'm trying... purposing to put fingers to keyboard and spill my heart every now and then. i'm thankful you visit. :)

  2. I'm so glad that you're posting again! And yes, I also listened to Elisabeth Elliot:) back in the day when she was on the radio. Good memories. Thought you might like this song- I've been listening to it alot lately. It's called Come Jesus Come by Stephen McWhirter . I like the acoustic guitar and that he sings with his whole heart. Maranatha! Deb

    1. oh deb, yes! that song by that vocal artist. when i click it on i sit with my eyes closed and my heart raised heavenward. :) i hope this week is lovely and worthy of praise. blessings.

  3. I love Elisabeth Elliott. And I love you my friend. Your garden plans sound good. I think we grew Blue Lake green beans in our garden. yum! Say hello to the mister!

    Deanna Rabe

    1. a sweet fairly local gal here has such a green thumb. while she and her husband were away on a month-long trip we cared for their garden. the blue lake green beans are wonderful. i love you too. :)

  4. Hi Sherry, so nice to read some entries from you. : ) I hope your mom is doing well, we are really having a time of it with mine. She broke her hip almost 2 weeks ago and also had dementia. It's a trial right now.

    I love E.E....I used to love it when she would read that scripture on the air! She read my letter one day and we corresponded a little. She was the real deal.

    God bless and be with you Sherry, ~Amelia

    1. i'm lifting your mother in prayer as soon as i click 'publish.' i'm also praying for you - wisdom, God's strength, peace. my mother is doing well for 92 years old and dementia. my sister (her caregiver) took 4 days away to refresh herself. she also cares for her husband who recently had another major surgery. their daughter has stepped in as another caregiver and i'm so thankful. bless her dearly. EE is such a favorite of mine. i can listen while tending to home matters.


"if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
~ thumper