Friday, November 13, 2020


just before 4am i padded down the hall and into the kitchen to commence brewing liquid life. back issues woke me and once my electrodes (tens unit) were secured properly (sorry for needing to wake you honey) i decided to simply stay up. wind was evident as i neared a window to flip a light on closest to my spot on the couch. once settled and sipping with eyes closed i sought the One who loves me best. 

a {very} light snow began about 7:30 then dwindled to a soppy rainy mess. with the amount of fires and fire dangers in our parts the rain is actually a thrill! rain! rain! wonderful rain! the wind's blowing and the aroma of fresh baked baguettes temps our tummies to have our meal earlier rather than sooner.

with baguettes we'll have chicken soup. good choice for such a day.

our guest bath has dark wood walls..
love the look but wanted to have a bit of light in the room
as well. over winter and into spring i stitched a curtain
using a vintage sheet scrap. and in the room to hold
the towels we used upside down vintage hangers,
securing them with rusted head screws &
draping the towels over the 'hooks'. the same
was done with the toilet tissue.

here's a close up shot of the curtain.
i'm pleased with how it turned out
and though the intent was using it
for spring and summer then changing
out with a darker heavier curtain
for fall and winter, i'm considering
keeping it year round.

i love how light dapples in unexpected spaces.
there's much unexpected in life at present...
in the world at present...
i'm purposing to find the good
yet i admit to finding *no* good in some things.
even still .. be of a thoughtful nature
and see the good. purpose toward that end.

be assured you can put your trust 
in Him for all things. all. things.

"...kept right on going because he kept his
eyes on the one who is invisible..."
hebrews 11.27


  1. I can almost smell the soup and the baguettes! Love the curtain and the look of your bathroom. Would love to have a good, long chat - over soup!!!

  2. Sorry about your back. I love the beauty you see and the beauty you create.

  3. Your mornings sound much like mine...Oh yes, that liquid life and that favorite place to sit in the dark mornings...I just love it. Yes, to commune with the One who loves me best...Beautiful! It's a special time, that quiet morning time, isn't it? Me and my pets...and the Lord. *big smile*

    Love your curtain with the deer, so whimsical and sweet.

    What a nice blog you have!

    I will make sure and put you in my bloglovin roll, looking forward to it.

    Praying and trusting with all my heart... ~Amelia, My Forest Cathedral.

  4. What a sweet curtain. Perfect for a home in the woods.


"if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
~ thumper