Thursday, July 18, 2019


"... it is always the simple that
      produces the marvelous."
      Amelia Barr 1831 - 1919

this morning i woke to a beautiful sunrise,
an eerie glow that caused me to grab my
camera and snap a few outside pics which
didn't turn out. more's the pity. but this
understated view came through - and it
happens to be my favorite of all.

i've been painting baseboards in our home.
only a third way done - taking longer -
much longer than anticipated. thought for
sure it'd take one day - piece of cake.
not to be . . .
getting down then up from the floor with
a rude right knee does not make for glee.
so i'm squatting as low as i can without
my knee totally rebelling, and bending
over with head down - though challenged
because my bifocals don't cooperate
with what i need to see in order to paint
a straight line even with first taping.
the need to reposition my head
produces stressed muscles.
it's not a becoming sight! and the backs
of my legs are now stiff. but boy did i sleep
well last night! 6.5 hours! wonderfulness.

see the quilted throw over the back of the
couch? all cream and tan tones..perfectly muted.
my sweet friend deanna from
creekside cottage blog made that for me
soon after our daughter erased the hubs
and i from her life over 7 years ago.
i use it nearly every morning and am
so appreciative of her kindness and lovely
handiwork. i'll treasure it always. 


  1. A thoughtful gift which is a thing of beauty! It warms my heart because I love both of you . . . the giver and the recipient.

    1. {{{ you }}}
      i look forward to one day meeting you in person..

    2. I want to be there when this meeting happens!

    3. deanna ... we'll be stopping at your place first! ♥

    4. I look forward to that day too!! ♥ Joy!!

  2. I love the calm in the photo. Would love to see the quilted throw. Such a treasure.

    1. thoughtless of me to not include a better picture of that quilt. i'll take one soon and share in a new post. ♥

  3. I love you, friend. You’re a gift to me and I’m thankful!

  4. Sever years for us as well, Sherry. Still boggles the mind.

    1. it's a surreal {& heartbreaking}
      experience. people don't *get it*
      if they haven't lived it. it's
      a living death. :(

    2. Yes. That's exactely right, Sherry. xo

  5. It’s been 2 years for me. It feels like 7. There are no words that can comfort me. But like you Sherry, I take my joys in the colors of the earth and sky, and settle into the peace of His grace.

    1. there's a saying that goes,
      "i don't know how you do it."
      the reply?
      "i wasn't given a choice."
      so we step softly through our days, dear nancy.
      we support and uphold one another, offering grace for a life being lived. i can't imagine living this grief - yet here i am. here we are. ♥

  6. I'm sitting here in the morning light reading not just your lovely post, Sherry, but the heartfelt, loving words of your friends' comments. What a treasure friends are. What would we do without them? While I don't share your experience and those of some of your friends here, I do feel compassion and call on our Savior to comfort all of you. Also, just want to add that Deanna is a sweetheart. So glad I met her through your blog. Gentle hugs, Nancy

    1. {{{{ ♥ }}}} thank you for praying!
      and yes, deanna IS a SWEETHEART. she and many of her family members stayed with us in our home a couple years back. SO good to finally meet her face to face. ::)

  7. Seven years, my words.
    I keep thinking that God is the restorer of the years the locust have eaten....
    Praying for that hopeful day. (((HUGS)))


"if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
~ thumper