Wednesday, February 26, 2025

the day the doves returned.

having washed my first mug 
{my first for there was another - later}
which held precious liquid life,
i glanced out the window toward our back property..
a lone stellar blue jay, hungrily noshing at the area
my hubs spilled bird seed the other day.
i'm not a fan of jays.
they're loud... rude... bullish...
and squawk like nails on a chalk board.
i don't think kind thoughts of those winged beasts 
except for their coloring : intense blue
against black. that, i love.

but later today the doves returned,
not being seen since november.
over a dozen as i counted.
junco's have also returned.
they're darling wee things
and get along quite well with the doves.
i welcomed them, both species.

notice i did not welcome the jay.

lots of puttery type to-do's today.
sorted through my closet and put articles
aside to donate to a thrifty place.
a gal a few doors up the road owns
such a place in a nearby town.
into the sack they go..
and up to her cabin
when the sack is full.
she's a sweetie.
near every morning,
and sometimes in inclement weather
we see her walking up the road
with her trusted canine coming up the rear.
his name is hercules.
he's a precious lug of an old pooch
who adores the ground his 'mama' walks.

early supper today as the hubs had business
this afternoon 30 miles north 
then will stay in town for wednesday night service.
we spend loads of time together breathing the same
air so once in a while it's nice to be alone and complete
a few tasks on my own. he appreciates time
alone as well so i do try to make that happen.
then we end up missing one another
and chat about our respective days.

in january i picked up a book at another 
'little library' in our village, not my 'little library.'

A Delayed Life by Dita Kraus
the powerful memoir of 
the librarian of auschwitz

474 pages and i could only read a few chapters
or sometimes a few pages here and there as 
there were projects and to-do's to do which
take up more time than expected. sometimes.
and to be honest... there are portions
of the book which are difficult to absorb,
as you can well imagine based on the title.
regardless, i'm here to say it's a most excellent
memoir and i highly recommend taking the time
to read it. i also recommend you have a hot cup of your
favorite beverage at your side. and a tissue or ten,
for if you've a heart you'll also have a tear.

"I like canceled plans and empty bookstores.
I like rainy days and quiet coffee shops.
I like messy beds and overworn pajamas.
I like the small joys that a simple life brings."
~cottage whimsy~

i agree with all that. except.
i don't like a messy bed.


sometimes the light hits right
and i must simply snap a picture
to be reminded of the beauty residing
in my life.. in my home.
ever thankful.

much is happening in my life at present,
some of which i'll not go into for it's private
and i haven't received approval to share.
other things are as follows:

* a dear friend is marrying and i'm in the wedding
as matron of honor. i'm so very happy for her and her
wonderful fiancé. how thoughtful God is in bringing
two people together in their 60's. precious are His ways.

* this last weekend we celebrated the bride with
a bridal blessing brunch. the turnout was terrific,
the food yummy and the gifts so incredibly thoughtful.

* the wedding is in March. we're praying for NO snow.
March is known as a big snow month in these parts.
i've heard of a 'rain dance.' 
is there a 'no snow dance' as well?
if so, this old gal will dance!

* also in March is a women's brunch at which
i'll be speaking on the subject of contentment.
as the date draws near i look forward to how
God speaks to my heart and leads me in
preparation. if you've a mind to pray, please do.
for me - and for the women in attendance.


it's lighter later these days.
nearly 6pm as i complete this blog post
and the light is just beginning to wane.
i'll flip the porch light on for the hubs,
will make a snack and sit down to read
a few chapters of the next book on my list.

until next time,


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

a cup new to me, etc.

.love the giver.
a sweet friend recently gifted me this cup
and i so appreciate her thoughtfulness.
it's all fancy and held my afternoon
liquid life perfectly.
.love the giver.

not the greatest picture but golly it was delish.
into the cast iron went a pat of bacon grease..
diced bell peppers, onion and crumbled bacon
jumped in to join the party then eggs,
s&p, dried parsley and a good pinch of 
red pepper flakes. yUm.
a small piece of rustic bread,
and a restaurant-ware mug of liquid life.
excellent start to my day.

snow, rain, wind, chill.

"Minimize the amount of news you are exposed to. 
We ought to guard the quiet of our minds... 
We do not need to know everything.. 
Quiet news and peaceful happenings bring cheer. 
Let us bring cheer to our homes and not spread distressing troubles."

Mrs. White
Legacy of Home blog

*     *     *

"My flesh and my heart fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever."

Psalm 73:26

*     *     *

i'm thankful for quiet days, these days.
