with sweet potato fries roasting in the oven,
right after baking bread for the week,
i'm taking a bit of time to say
hEllo & hOwdydo.
it's been a minute or a gazillion
so i'm just going to jump in and act
nonchalant, as if i haven't been away
nearly a year.
seems to be a habit of late.
dinner tonight?
homemade (so squishy are these) rolls crammed
with chicken apple sausage, a medley of roasted
cabbage, onion, apple with seasonings,
fresh whole grain dijon mustard
& sweet potato fries.
gonna be good, folks.
took a drive this week to another county ..
nearly another state altogether.
had important business to tend.
the drive was beautiful.
i especially love drives when it involves
snow or rain; blizzard or gully washers
it makes no difference. i love it all the same.
then again, i am the passenger princess
so i leave the driving to him. wink.
recently we were blessed with impromptu guests
for a simple luncheon. i'm thankful i preserved
soups, veggies, and more at summer's end.
it was so simple to "throw" together this meal.
a loaf of fresh milled bread was also at the ready,
with a good slather of apple butter & real butter.
pickles made a stately appearance ..
dill as well as bread & butter,
& spicy jalapeno carrots, a personal favorite.

vegetable & white bean soup
hearty & delicious,
nourishing &warm for the belly
simple setting * simple foods
and fellowship that didn't lag
whatsoever. time flew by.
tis a blessing.
strange weather we're having in these parts.
snow is nearly nonexistent but the rain
is plentiful. hoping for big snow in March
at the very latest... our first year in this
sweet lil village we got 5 (yes, five!)
feet in a 3 day period.
last year was big snow. March offered snows to the
degree the hubs had nowhere to "put" snow
when snow blowing. our snow berm was
13 feet in places. just a tad taller than him. wink.
by April we were so ready for winter to finally go away;
by May sweet relief was upon us with quick snow melt.
finally come May, our greenhouse was in place with plans for
the hubs to build it out to my preferences (he's a keeper).
just before our "safe" planting date of june 18,
we had a quick freeze and bit of snow. the potatoes
were fine but i made sure to cover whatever other veg
i thought might require a light sweater.
the buffalo gnats visited.
all. summer. long. bahhhh!!!!!
buffalo gnats aka black flies.
the scissor bites of these humpback beasts are
torturous. ice packs & special ointment was needed
for a bit of relief. blisters appeared quickly,
horrid in every respect including aftermath scars.
to this day challenges continue from the bites.
not looking forward to summer if they're part of the party
and they're certainly not on my invite list.
local & recent pic of our area..
my mother is faring splendidly after last year's
health debacle & subsequent surgery & recovery.
what an ordeal for her! she turned 92 in May.
a good part of her days are spent loving on lacey and cagney,
the sweet black & white kitties, who i refer to as:
starsky & hutch.
when one is retired, one does not take vacations.
one takes trips. so i've been told.
we took a few trips in 2023..
3 to the state where mom lives
to visit her as well as family,
1 to the coast to visit family,
1 to another state to visit more family,
& 1 to the state where the jeep club gathered
for extreme jeeping - in which i remained in the
airbnb as the extreme was definitely extreme
and my back wouldn't have been able to remain
happy in the ensuing tossing and turning of the trail.
i was fine with that - and made do just fine being cloistered
in such a nice environment as the condo.
every evening the group went out for dinner
& i was allowed to tag along.
we maintain overall busy days ..
there's always something to do, be it the
every day habitual mode of tending home,
projects, taking drives in new to us places
or not new to us places - just cuz we like 'em,
gathering with local friends there or here,
reading, studying up on a new subject or hobby,
or revisiting said subject or hobby,
or applying what we've learned.
the hubs planted about 250 flower bulbs on our property.
he knows how much i miss flowers. this has blessed my heart.
veg gardening brought me to a place of exhaustion in summer.
i overextended myself quite a bit.. by the end of day clean & cool
from a shower, i made my way to bed with great relief come nightfall.
a couple ibuprofen taken for good measure.
during daytime the hubs & i would meet up
on one of the decks depending on time of day for a break.
iced tea usually, feet up to rest on a footstool,
umbrella overhead offering a respite of shade,
small talk in low tones. then me inside to begin prep for
our main meal & him to complete garage & shop tasks.
the hubs built me a hutch in the great room
to house my pretties up high as well as
practical kitchen appliances on the lower level.
the finishing touch will be sewing a set of curtains
for that lower level so the kitchen appliances
aren't there for all the world to see.
i'll share a picture when that task is complete.
more and more i prep foods from scratch.
at times the weather sure keeps you home
& home is where the prepared foods are
&where you can put together a hot meal
in a relatively short amount of time with
limited energy output of yourself as well as an oven or stovetop.
not that we lose power often though we do have a generator just in case,
but the convenience alone of putting up
jars in the larder lends a comfort & satisfaction.
a reliance of sorts.
we live in a rather isolated area overall.
we prefer it - 'specially these days.
with that comes an uncertainty
of product choices and/or availability to
which i was once accustomed.
before moving to this location i had wide choice
in where i bought our food, the type, and how often.
so simple it was to not take meal planning
seriously. so simple to skip down to one of my
two favorite markets assembling food for a plate.
thoughtless really. convenient yet thoughtless.
moving to this location months before the world
tilted axis i learned fairly quickly
(i HAD to learn)
to know what we needed, how much we needed,
how to preserve & prepare what was/is needed,
with little to no food waste.
one makes do when one has to make do.
we're better for it, for sure & for certain.
there's a market in town & a couple 30 miles north,
big box & grocery stores in the next state
which is in the "land of people" and over an hour
driving time one way. that happens every couple
months or so - driving that route.
i'm generally not a fan of venturing
to the "land of people."
we rely on the
farmers market in the next county
during summer where i buy everything
i can't grow or don't want to grow..
growing vegetables is a challenge all
its own in my little area. most folks have a tough time
growing veg but i still try .. and try. i've come to
the conclusion - a eureka moment to be sure - that i
will be growing only veg that is a bit more proven
than not. a dear friend lives a teensie bit lower in elevation
& grows amazing crops with great success.
i'm ever intrigued & challenged to try yet again.
aside from the buffalo gnats (ugh!) there are
garden pests that cannot be ignored. as such, particular
veg will not be planted this year. i'm done fighting the ickies.
additionally, if fire season proves to be a serious concern,
i may disband growing this season altogether.
the smoke alone doesn't allow for good results in the garden.
in fact, virtually zero results.
praying we'll be just dandy.
we've begun ordering our meats from
wild pastures. heard of it? so far we're very pleased
with the quality and selection. we also order from
azure standard which has proven to be beneficial.
those two sources along with our veg garden,
apple tree (for apple jam/butter), and the farmer's market,
round out our food supply quite well.
dairy & eggs & such as still purchased at a market.
we're doing what we can with what we have available.
how are you faring in your little kingdoms?
as to the fires:
summer of '23 was glorious in that the fires weren't a local issue.
clear skies save for ch*mtr*ils (read between the lines)
boasted a fresh, delightful few months.
however. ahem... the buffalo gnats & mosquitos
were so thick we didn't once go kayaking. not once.
no bueno.
the years previous though were frightful & at one
point we were packed & ready to leave,
as were other folks - just in case.
there are good years .. & not so good years.
hoping for a good year, this year.
a simple prayer
but that one simple prayer goes deep.
either way, no matter what
life throws my way, i can put my trust in the One
who holds my heart - the Author & Finisher of my life.
with that truth, i'll finish for now and return soon.
pinky promise.
Ah, my friend! I was just looking at my blog list and there were so many who hadn’t posted in ages including you!
ReplyDeleteI love hearing news. This post is full to the brim with good stuff- food, fellowship, family, faith.
You may need to take a trip out East one of these summers. ❤️
Remember that you are loved.
Deanna Rabe
my hope is to find ourselves on the road heading your way, this side of heaven. i know it'd be a heart-full visit. you are a blessing, deanna.
DeleteHad time to check my blog roll this evening and was so happy to see an update from you!
ReplyDeleteI loved reading all the food and gardening fun you’ve experienced over this past year. It sounds so cozy… and delicious.
I was telling Sean he needs to send you all a wire when he’s headed your direction for work. It’s not often and the last two times he was ready to get home and didn’t want to make any stops. He’s headed over again this week but I’m not sure of his plans yet.
ooohhh it'd be so nice to see your husband! anytime... but i certainly understand his desire/need to make tracks back to you, the kiddos, and a warm & welcoming home. when my husband traveled for work he longed for home. always. so thankful i have him all to myself since retirement. well, 99.9% of the time. wink. :)